From Oprah, Leeza, RoseAnne Barr and Larry King, to clips from her most recent live Webinars, Rosemary has been captivating audiences worldwide for over 30 years. Browse the selection below to see her in action.
From Rosemary's Spiritual Discoveries Webinars
Are Rosemary's gifts and experiences unsolved mysteries? Watch and find out
Rosemary was a regular guest on the Leeza show and never failed to make her (and her audience) cry tears of joy and happiness.
This earth of ours is where we come to learn about compassion. It's a place we come to learn about pain and about heartache. It's a place we come also to learn about love and to give love to each other.
Rosemary explains to her Italian audience, the energy in which we are created.
Watch this show until the end for the most incredible evidence of life after death—a heartbreaking, yet joyous moment with a mother whose children were murdered.
Kay came to Rosemary asking for help: " I feel at war with myself, I know what I want to do and what needs doing to make changes. I really try to but I seem to sabotage myself and get like paralysis, I can be sat/stood still and be shouting at myself inside my mind, you need to go do this, this also needs done and sorted by xyz. When I don’t get things done and get really behind and it’s affected others (this is a regular occurrence) I’m then beating myself up in my mind, your useless/waste of space/lazy/burden. This just seems to be a constant repeated cycle "
1. Review our past Bottom Brick Exercises.
2. Email us and tell us what your pattern of behavior is that you want to change.
3. Agree to be video'd live and have your experience shared to help others.
Laura, a single mom and business owner, decided to do the bottom brick exercise to dig deeper and understand herself better, finding it beneficial to put her thoughts into writing.
Laura discusses her struggle with inconsistency and feeling stuck in her life, and her desire to push past it to achieve her goals.
"I certainly have been reflecting a ton on the discussion. As such, Rosemary, your support, has made me challenge my inner dialogue and what I want for myself.... this includes believing, respecting, and wanting something better, greater for myself and to be able to demonstrate that and show it."
"I just have to say this. My spirit feels light and joyful".
" To merely say, "Thank you" is so paltry yet , this is all that I can offer in deep gratitude to you."
"I learned so much from it! The entire experience was very freeing. Tons of a-ha moments lol. One of my good friends is considering applying to become a bottom bricker now lol."
Check out this great video where Rosemary helps Jenn uncover that first drop of poison that made her feel "less than."
It's a new year and you can be a new you. Check out all my YouTube videos about healing. Be inspired from our messages, attend one of our weekly live shows, sign up for our webinars. Take an action from one of my books, use one of my meditation tapes. Let's make 2023 our best year yet!